Construction begins on Mersey Community Hospital upgrades – Premier of Tasmania


23 May 2022

Jeremy Rockliff, Premier

The Mersey Community Hospital plays a critical role in the delivery of healthcare to the North-West community, and the Tasmanian Liberal Government is investing in its future.

I’m excited to report that works are now underway to expand the Mersey Community Hospital’s (MCH) Outpatients Clinics and Operating Theatres.

Fairbrother’s Construction has been awarded the $41.1 million contract to deliver these essential upgrades, which will position the MCH to meet the local community’s increasing and changing demand for health services into the future.

The upgrades, which are part of our Government’s broader $30 million redevelopment of the MCH, will deliver expanded space on the ground floor and level one to accommodate outpatients, operating theatres and recovery. 

A new Elective Day Surgery Centre will be established, which will allow for increased access to sub-specialty surgery and help to reduce the waiting times for a range of elective surgeries.

Facilities include additional endoscopy, day surgery, theatre and recovery suites, and will provide two new consulting rooms.

The Elective Day Surgery Centre will be supported by increased capacity in the Outpatients Clinic, which will include 13 new consulting rooms, six specialist treatment rooms, six dedicated Paediatric rooms, a waiting area, as well as audiology and physiotherapy.

These upgrades to the Mersey Community Hospital will deliver an increased range of health services to meet the needs of the local community, in particular services to address chronic disease.

The project is expected to support over 100 jobs during construction, and works are due to be completed in late 2024.

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